From Alghero To The Laboratory


    The laboratory is located in the natural regional park of Porto Conte - Capo Caccia and within the Science Park of Porto Conte Ricerche (B in the map). The address is:

    Porto Conte Ricerche, S.P. 55 Porto Conte/Capo Caccia, Km 8.400 Località Tramariglio, 07041 Alghero (SS)

    Porto Conte Ricerche can be reached by:

1. Bus from Alghero (A in the map). There is a bus service from downtown Alghero, via Catalogna, to Porto Conte. The bus is bound to Capo Caccia, you should stop at Tramariglio, just in front of the Science Park. The bus ride takes around 45 minutes, the bus ticket costs 2.5 € and must be bought in advance.

2. By taxi from the airport or Alghero downtown, it takes around 20 minutes.

3. By car, follow from Alghero or from the airport the indications for Capo Caccia.



Google map

How to reach Alghero


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Updated 24 April 2018

LMNT Laboratory of Materials Science and NanoTechnology - Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Sassari.
Viale San Pietro 43c, 07100 Sassari (SS)

Tel. lab.: +39 079 998630 Fax: +39 079 228625. Contact: